Antenna Mount
CB Rack
with CB attached.
Doug Chartier's CB Rack
June 2002
I went and met Doug Chartier and what a nice guy. He helped me
install my CB Rack and custom fit it to my YJ when I showed up.
Lucky for me, he is a local Houstonian. I decided I would do it
right, unlike the
last time. I haven't had any
noise issues and it has been performing superbly. After
you install it you had better tighten the six nuts that hold it
together down. I had one fall off on my last road trip
because of the long-term vibrations. No big deal though.
mounted the antenna mount directly to the body after
pondering many of the mounting options. It was a heavy
duty mirror mount that has a back plate the same as the
front. The coax cable runs right through where the back
window and the corner of my soft top come together.
ran the coax through the padding on the roll bar and ran
two power lines and a ground through the padding also. I
just have to figure out what I want to power up there
I have a 5 foot Wilson "Silver Load" antenna, a
3 foot "Wal-mart" antenna (pictured) and a 4
foot whip antenna. I use the little whip antenna most
because my Wilson hits in the parking garage at work. The
3- footer turned out to be bad when tested with an SWR
meter so I scrapped it.